Thursday, December 15, 2011

3,500 calories in one pound of fat.

There are 3,500 calories in one pound of fat. So, if you cut back or work off just 3,500 calories, you will lose an entire pound of fat. While it is possible to cut back on your calorie intake and increase your exercise regimen in order to lose pounds quickly, it is important to note that doctors recommend that you lose no more than 2 pounds of weight per week in order to ensure that your body properly adjusts to the weight loss.
Here are some tips to help you safely drop 3,500 from your regular routine:


Running for about 1 hour at a slow pace will help you lose approximately 350 calories, depending on your body type, metabolism, speed and terrain. Thus, if you run for one hour five days a week while maintaining a consistent diet, you will safely lose one pound.

It is important to understand that many people who just begin running will eat pasta and other foods high in carbohydrates in order to compensate for the exertion. They think that because they worked out so hard, they deserve a treat, this can be a trap. However, what they may not realize is that while they are justified in thinking that the carbohydrates will infuse their workout routine with energy, they are not actually setting their bodies up to lose weight. When you burn 350 calories but intake 450 over a high-carbohydrate pasta dish, you are adding more calories to your body than you otherwise would have.

Running does, however, help to boost your metabolism and change your muscle tone so that you burn calories more efficiently. Instead of inhaling a pasta dish after a run, select instead to have a large salad and splurge for the carbohydrate-rich croutons and make sure you drink a lot of water before you eat this will rehydrate you and and help fill you.

Eat In

When you eat out at a restaurant not only are you generally subjecting your body to an array of high fat, high calorie foods, but you are also tempting yourself to eat a larger portion than you might normally eat. Therefore, what could be a simple 500 calories meal can easily turn into a 1500-calorie fat fest. In order to lose weight by cutting calories, it is essential that you are aware of exactly what you are putting into your body. Especially in the beginning of your new routine, it is important that you prepare your meals and monitor your level of hunger.

When eating out if you are in a social situation where food is not a priority just spending time with your friends people tend to eat more than they normally would. Non-dessert eaters often even spring for the extra round of calories. If you eat out, help yourself avoid temptation by selecting a salad rather than a plate of pasta or burger. You will be amazed at the difference in the amount of calories you intake when you make simple choices such as meal option. Check out the other posts so you know the difference between good and bad fats.

By reducing your overall calorie intake and increasing your level of physical activity, you will be able to lose those 3,500 calories without much trouble. Make sure that you stay focused, motivated and on task. You will shed unwanted weight in no time!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Eatonadiet of ...??What the.. fucoxanthin ??

The Japanese researchers were startled by the results. So they went work. In a series of experiments they gave two groups of mice the same diet, but one group supplemented with fucoxanthin.

In the fat tissue of the mice that supplemented with fucoxanthin the researchers found high levels of the fat-burning protein UCP
1. As a result, those mice lost a significant amount of fat. In the control group there was no difference.
2. The same researchers later discovered that fucoxanthin even prevented potential fat cells from “growing up” and becoming mature fat cells.
3. Not only does fucoxanthin help you burn fat you already have… it helps prevent the formation of future fat cells. It stops fat dead in its tracks.
Clinical studies suggest fucoxanthin may be effective for people too. The trials were finished last year and the studies have been submitted for publication. 
In a test group, people taking fucoxanthin lost an average of 15 pounds in four months. The people in the control group lost just three pounds. Those are good numbers.
4. Here’s another bonus: fucoxanthin also helps suppress your appetite. This effect is not part of the scientific literature but it’s something existing users have commented on. Maté drunk by South Americans (a green tea-like cocoction,) is also well known for its anti-oxidant and hunger supressing benefits, as is drinking the required quotient of water. 
 Anybody know any more about this? 
P.S. I would love to know how they managed to get the word thin inside the scientific term fucoxanthin..

Friday, November 25, 2011

20 Successful Weight Loss & Dieting Success Tips

20 Dieting Success Tips 

Dieting is simple bu it´s not easy. If it were, we would probably all be thin. Since we are not, here are some tips that successful people use to lose weight so that others can benefit, too.



Okay, for many people this is a big problem. Water doesnít taste all that great generally because water doesnít really taste like anything. Drinking water 8 to 10 times each day gets easier the more you actually do it. It is simply a matter of conditioning your taste buds, and yourself, so that it becomes easier to do. Once you get started, you will begin to crave water.

To begin with, you should drink a glass of water in the morning first thing, before you eat. This is probably the easiest glass you will drink all day and it will help you remember to drink water all day long. Better yet, why not drink two glasses?
Even better still if you would like a free book on the benefits of drinking water check out our sister site!

If you really cannot bear the taste of water, try using a water purifying pitcher or filter. You can also add a few drops of lemon or lime to your water but no sugar or sweetener! Ice also helps.

Check out flavored waters on the market, too. Just keep an eye out for additives.
For the best results, switch to alkline water and it will also help kill those nasty free radicals wrecking havoc INSIDE you! It´s all included in the free book above.


Do not skip breakfast. If you need to go to bed a little earlier so that you can get up 20 minutes earlier each morning do it! Breakfast is so important to your good health and to weight control. According to Dr. Barbara Rolls a professor of nutrition at Penn State University, "Your metabolism slows while you sleep, and it doesn't rev back up until you eat again."

Eating breakfast is not only good for overall weight loss, it will help you stay on track with your diet the rest of the day. You are more likely to binge on something sweet and in the bread group if you skip breakfast.

You can always keep a couple of hard-boiled eggs in the fridge or some high-fiber, low starch fruit around. If you plan to eat fruit at all during the day, breakfast is the perfect time to do it.


This can be one of the hardest adjustments to make. After all, you are busy! You already have a full-plate. When do you have time to worry about filling your plate with more frequent meals?

Just like eating breakfast will increase your metabolism, so will eating more often. This will also help you curb your bad-carb intake by making sure that your snacks are planned and occur regularly throughout the day.

Really, it will just take a minimal investment of planning time at the grocery store and at home each morning before you head out for the day to make some healthy food choices and prepare a few healthy snacks and meals. For suggestions, just see the handy list of snacks and appetizers listed later.


This is one easy way to remember what not to eat. If it is made from sugar, flour, potatoes, rice or corn - just say no. Remembering this rule of thumb will make it easier to recognize those rice cakes as an unhealthy high-carb snack.

Always look for colorful fruits and veggies to substitute for the white ones. Buy broccoli, lettuce, bell peppers, green beans and peas, brown rice in moderation, leafy greens like kale and spinach, apples, melons, oranges and grapes.

These foods are not only colorful they are also high in fiber, nutrients and important antioxidants. Eating colorful fruits and vegetables will give your diet variety as well as give you added health benefits.


It is so easy to use a low-carb diet as an excuse for poor nutrition. Resist this temptation. If the only vegetable you have eaten in the last 5 years has been the potato, now is a good time to begin experimenting with other vegetables. This is important for your overall health and to avoid some nasty side effects of not getting enough fiber in your diet.

If you try hard enough, you will find vegetables that you enjoy eating. Experiment with grilling veggies and cooking with real butter to add flavor. You can also search for new recipes on the Internet or in cookbooks.

Remember, if you are only eating 40 grams of carb a day or less, two cups of plain salad greens contain only about 5 grams of carbohydrate. You have no excuse not to eat your veggies.


While more and more restaurants are offering low-carb friendly menu items, many of them are still not ideal low-carb fare. There are many recipes for quick and easy meals that you can prepare yourself at home. Try to do this as often as possible.

If you cook your own foods, you know exactly what the contents are and you will be able to better control for hidden sugar and otherwise processed foods.

Another benefit is the cost savings over the long run. Even if you must go to the grocery store more often, you will save a significant amount per meal as opposed to eating at restaurants and fast food establishments.

It will also be easier to maintain your diet with your own favorite fresh food selections on hand.


Having food storage containers of various sizes on hand will make it so much easier for you to plan your meals and snacks. When you buy nuts, fruits and vegetables in bulk you can simply prepare, separate and store them for easy use later.

For instance, you can pre-slice your apples and snack on them over several days. Simply cut them, rinse them in pineapple or lemon juice and store. This will make a quick and easy snack for later.

Fix your lunch and take it with you to work. Better yet, fix your lunch and 2 snacks for work.


In addition to everything thatís been discussed before, eating protein helps you burn more calories. Jeff Hample, Ph.D., R.D., a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association says that, "Protein is made up mainly of amino acids, which are harder for your body to breakdown, so you burn more calories getting rid of

Just think eating a protein rich snack can help you lose weight. How about a few slices of turkey or ham or some string cheese?

Eating protein will also help you feel full so that you are less likely to crave unhealthy snacks.


This will help you get in your 8 to 10 glasses of water each day but it can also have other benefits. Ever feel hungry after eating a handful or standard serving of nuts? Try drinking water afterwards. The water will help you feel full and prevent overindulgence.

Drinking water after a snack will also help remove the aftertaste from your mouth and can help curb your desire for more.


You will feel full and more satisfied if you take the time to savor your food and chew it slower. Donít get in the habit of eating while standing or eating quickly. Sit down and chew.

Eating slower will help you enjoy your food more, pay attention to what it is you are actually eating and get a better sense of when you are actually full.
Obesity is preventable, weightloss is simple (but not always easy), eat on a dietfor better health


You will feel better and lose weight quicker if you eat a large breakfast and eat a smaller dinner. You may also want to eat the majority of your carbs earlier in the day, saving a salad and lean meat protein for dinner.

Eating larger meals during the part of the day when you are most active will help you to feel satisfied throughout the day and curb cravings for unhealthy snacks.


Yes this may seem odd, but it is one way to work in Omega-3 fatty acids that are good for you and add some variety to your daily diet. After a few months you may tire of eating eggs and bacon for breakfast. Substituting fish will give you the protein and healthy fish oils you need.

You can try canned salmon or mackerel in croquettes for a healthier sausage substitute. Or you could simply eat cold leftover salmon the next morning with dill sauce.


This tip can seem a bit odd at first but if you try it you will probably grow to love it. Instead of eating breads and buns with your sandwiches and hamburgers, why not try leaves of lettuce?

You can make a double cheeseburger with onions, pickles and tomato wrapped in a whole lettuce leaf. Or you can make tasty wrap sandwiches with lettuce instead of tortilla and bread.

This will help increase your good carb and fiber intake while giving you more variety in your diet.


Okay, we all want a little dessert sometime, but how do you have your dessert and your low-carb diet too? Why not try cheese with fruit slices or berries? Better yet, why not try cream with berries? You could even try sweet pineapples or strawberries with cottage cheese?

Berries are sweet and high in fiber and nutrients and dairy products are high in protein. If your low-carb plan will allow it, this is a sweet and tasty alternative to more sugary desserts.

An added benefit is that the protein in the dairy products and the fiber in the fresh fruit will make these desserts more filling.


Fruit juice can be very tempting as a replacement for soda, but just how healthy is fruit juice? If you read the labels you will soon realize that in many of the commercial juices available at your local grocery store there is very little actual fruit juice.

What you will find is lots of sugar water and other ingredients. Why not skip the juice altogether and eat a fresh piece of fruit? Not only does fresh fruit contain less sugar than juice, fresh fruit has fiber that is good for you and will help you feel fuller longer.


New meal replacement shakes and bars go on the market almost every day. These shakes and bars may claim to be healthy, but almost all of them, even the Zone Perfect bars, contain hydrogenated oil and sweeteners.

So be careful. The bars especially may be only slightly healthier than a Snickers candy bar. Occasionally, they may not be that bad for you but as a rule you probably donít want to indulge in a meal replacement shake or bar every day.


Low carb doughnuts and muffins? You can find these prepackaged low-carb labeled goods at your neighborhood grocery store and at many low-carb lifestyle specialty shops. That does not mean that you should make a habit out of eating them.

While low-carb pastries may be tempting remember that they still contain all of the usual carbohydrate suspects: sugar or a sugar substitute and flour.

They may be healthier than your typical muffin as an occasional treat, but remember to stick with the basics for continued low-carb success.


It will be easier to stick with your low-carb lifestyle if you learn the one common thread in all grocery store designs: the healthy foods are on the perimeter aisles.

Think about it, when you go into the grocery all of the healthy stuff, fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy products are arranged around the stores walls. You only rarely need to enter the center aisle areas in those few stores that stock butter and cheese in the center near the frozen foods. For the most part all of the foods that you need for your low carb diet can be found on the perimeter of the grocery store.

Train yourself to start on one end of the outer aisle and work your way around. It will be much easier to avoid carb cravings and fill your basket with healthy items if you do so.


Canít figure out what to eat? Need some variety in your diet? Turn to a cookbook. Granted, not all recipes in a cookbook are low-carb fare, but you will be surprised at the number of low-carb and low-carb friendly recipes you can find in your standard Betty Crocker Cookbook.

Cookbooks are great reference tools that often contain handy tips on purchasing cuts of meat and preparing meats, fruits and vegetables in new and exciting ways.

Plus, new low-carb cookbooks are hitting the shelves all the time. So be sure to take advantage of these resources to try something new, different and delicious.


We canít all do it right all of the time. Even the most conscientious food combiner may miss some healthy vitamins, minerals and trace elements in their diets. To help make sure you get everything that you need, consider taking a good multivitamin.

Check with your doctor first for recommendations and you should be tested for anemia to see if you need a vitamin with iron. However, the longer you eat low-carb and the more red meat you eat, the less anemia will be a problem and you should be able to take vitamins with less iron.

Your success is totally up to you. Assuming that you are an otherwise healthy individual, your body will do its part. Just remember to adhere to the low-carb diet plan that is right for you and add some variety to your meals to help you stay faithful to your health and weight loss goals.

Gluten Free Christmas Cookbook

29 Gluten Free Christmas Recipes From The All Tried And Tested On Gluten Free And Gluten Eating People To Make Sure They Taste Great.
Being gluten free is hard, so often we get into the ritual of eating the same thing week in and week out, A gluten free cookbook will inject some christmas inspiration and let you try some new meals and nibbles.

If you do not buy it for yourself, why not gift a copy to family or friends who are gluten free... after all this is something they could use again and again and the recipe book is helping to raise money for this website.

But It is Hard To Cook With Other Food Allergies?

All the ingredients and instructions are clearly marked,
along with some diary free adaptations where possible. 

Gluten Free Recipes For Kids

Delicious Easy To Prepare Recipes For Gluten Free Children. Includes Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner. All Prepared Quickly With No Fuss. Snacks, Delectable Desserts, Treats To Go, Special Occasions And Lunch Box Goodies.
Click Here!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lost weight? now gain financial control

Dont let this be YOUR retirement . . .


Exchange part of your cash savings into 999.99% kinebar gold bullion in affordable amounts and save regularly and the Karatbars International GmbH company pays interest on your private account in gold.
Simply had  to add this link I came across today, it goes to a video for a company that specialises in 1 gram gold bars, it´s true the cash currencies are a mess so this could be of value.
Beat the bad waves riding good gold waves!
Do your due diligence and get your free gold savings account HERE

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Healthy Diet Essentials 50 of them!

Healthy Diet Essentials 50 of them!

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, a healthy diet as one that Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products; includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts; and is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars.  But just what minerals and nutrients are vital to our health and well-being?  Consider these nutrient-dense foods when youíre looking to improve your vitamin and mineral intake.

Vitamin A is needed for good eyesight and optimal functioning of the immune system.  Cod liver oil, dairy products, sweet potatoes and dark green leafy vegetables are all great natural food sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamin, is imperative to the bodyís ability to process carbohydrates.  Whole grain breads, cereals and pastas have high amounts of thiamin.

Riboflavin, or B2, can be found in fortified cereals, almonds, asparagus, eggs, and meat.  Itís used in many body processes, including converting food into energy and the production of red blood cells.

Niacin, also known as B3, can be found in lean chicken, tuna, salmon, turkey, enriched flour, peanuts, and fortified cereals. It aids in digestion and also plays a key role in converting food into energy.

Vitamin B6 can be found in fortified cereals, fortified soy-based meat substitutes, baked potatoes with skin, bananas, light-meat chicken and turkey, eggs, and spinach. Itís vital for a healthy nervous system, and helps break down proteins and stored sugars.

Vitamin B12 is needed for creating red blood cells, and can be found in beef, clams, mussels, crabs, salmon, poultry, and soybeans.

Citrus fruits, red berries, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, red and green bell peppers, cabbage, and spinach are all loaded with vitamin C, which is vital to promoting a healthy immune system, and making chemical messengers in the brain.

Vitamin D can be found in fortified milk, cheese, and cereals; egg yolks; salmon; but can also be made by the body from sunlight exposure. Itís needed to process calcium and maintain the health of bones and teeth.

Vitamin E functions as an antioxidant and is essential to your skinís good health. Eat plenty of leafy green vegetables, almonds, hazelnuts, and vegetable oils like sunflower, canola, and soybean to get this vital nutrient.

Folic acid can be found in fortified cereals and grain products; lima, lentil, and garbanzo beans; and dark leafy vegetables. Itís vital for cell development, prevents birth defects, promotes heart health, and helps red blood cells form. Pregnant women need to take special care to ensure they are getting enough of this for themselves and their developing baby.
Dairy products, broccoli, dark leafy greens like spinach and rhubarb, and fortified products, such as orange juice, soy milk, and tofu are all loaded with calcium. Like vitamin D, itís very important in helping to build and maintain strong bones and teeth.

Organ meats, oysters, clams, crabs, cashews, sunflower seeds, wheat bran cereals, whole-grain products, and cocoa products are all high in copper, which aids in metabolism of iron and red cell formation. It also assists in the production of energy for cells.

Iron can be found in leafy green vegetables, beans, shellfish, red meat, poultry, soy foods, and some fortified foods.  Itís needed to transport oxygen to all parts of the body via the red blood cells.

Potassium can be found in foods like Broccoli, potatoes (with the skins on), prune juice, orange juice, leafy green vegetables, bananas, raisins, and tomatoes. It aids in nervous system and muscle function and also helps maintain a healthy balance of water in the blood and body tissues.

Red meat, fortified cereals, oysters, almonds, peanuts, chickpeas, soy foods, and dairy products are great dietary sources of zinc. Zinc supports the bodyís immune function, reproduction capabilities, and the nervous systems.
Protein is the main component of muscles, organs, and glands. Every living cell and all body fluids, except bile and urine, contain protein. The cells of muscles, tendons, and ligaments are maintained with protein. Children and adolescents require protein for growth and development, and adults need it to maintain cell integrity. It can be found in foods like beans, milk and meat.
The primary function of carbohydrates is to provide energy for the body, especially the brain and the nervous system. Complex carbohydrates are the best choice for a stable blood sugar level. Whole grain breads and cereals, legumes, and starchy vegetables are all good complex carbohydrate sources.
Essential fatty acids play a part in many metabolic processes, and there is evidence to suggest that low levels of essential fatty acids, or the wrong balance of types among the essential fatty acids, may be a factor in a number of illnesses. Good sources are fish and shellfish, flaxseed, canola oil, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, leafy vegetables, and walnuts.
Though this list is far from complete, it gives a good base of knowledge on which to build a healthy, well-balanced diet.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Top 5 Benefits of a Wheat Free Diet Plan

Feeling Bloated? You may want to try a wheat free diet.

You’ve probably heard about changing to a gluten-free or wheat free diet plan. But if you don’t suffer from a wheat allergy or from Celiac disease, you may wonder if there’s really any benefit to going wheat-free. After all, wheat and wheat-based products are so ingrained (pun intended) in the American diet that we often wonder if we really can give it up altogether.
Going wheat-free requires some work on your part—but that’s a good thing. If you’ve followed my blog for any length of time, you know that becoming educated about the food you eat is something I am passionate about. So if going wheat-free makes you stop and read your food labels, then you know I am all for it. But there are other, more tangible benefits to following awheat-free diet plan. I’m going to list the top 5 reasons you should switch to a wheat-free diet below.

Studies show that Celiac disease is actually underdiagnosed in the United States. Some estimate that only 1 in 3000 people are diagnosed, when in reality, 1 in 250 suffer from the disease. So it may be worth your while to go off wheat for a period of time and see how you feel.

Does your digestion improve? Do you have more energy? If so, you may have wheat intolerance. A simple blood test can show the presence of antibodies in your bloodstream, and an intestinal biopsy can confirm Celiac disease. But simply eliminating wheat from your diet, and then seeing how you feel, is an easy self-test you can try on your own.
If you suffer from many allergies, eliminating wheat from your diet can help ease your symptoms. If you have dry, itchy skin, or suffer from hives, then eliminating wheat can have a profoundly positive effect on how you feel.
If you experience gas, bloating, and water retention, eliminating wheat from your eating plan can really help improve your digestion. Although we think that wheat is easy to digest, it’s actually quite hard on your intestines, and can cause sluggish digestion and even blockages. A wheat-free diet is much easier on your intestines than a diet that relies on wheat products.

If you want to really jump start your weight loss, try keeping wheat out of your eating plan for a couple of weeks. You may be surprised at the result. Many of the refined carbs we eat without thinking (cookies, crackers, breads, pastas, and the like) are made with wheat. By eliminating wheat from your diet, you eliminate these products by default from your eating program, which can help you achieve your weight loss goals. Check out some of my other posts there are lists of wheat substitutes to try, OMG you need to at the very least try the quinoa patties!

Studies show that gluten is often an instigator for joint pain in the body, as it weakens our bodies’ natural defenses. If you suffer from joint pain or have a family history of arthritis, you can keep your joints feeling better—and thus stay more active—by eliminating gluten products from your eating program. If you are serious about making life changing differences to your health I suggest looking into the benefits of alkaline water, get water smart and slim.

When eliminating wheat from your diet, be sure to read the labels of every food product you eat. Even seemingly innocent foods, like soy sauce, contain wheat. So if you are truly going gluten-free, you will need to make sure you read about everything you eat, before you consume it.
Want to get healthy, but don’t know where to begin? Our recipes are all friendly to a wheat-free diet, too!

What to eat on a diet to stay low glycemic

What to eat on a diet to stay low glycemic

Well, the basis of a low glycemic diet requires eating fruits and vegetables that are low glycemic. Simple enough and on my blog I list these in total but to give you an idea I´ve listed 16 great foods below that are low glycemic and can be enjoyed even if losing weight is your key objective. The only fuits and vegetables that don´t qualify as far as being low glycemic, are watermelon,apricots,bananas,cantaloupes,mangoes, papayas,paw paw, raisins and sultanas. All of these are fine in moderate amounts but if you are on a weight loss plan to lose excess fat avoid them completely. All legumes are low (most beans) as are green vegetables, most yellow and orange vegetables slip into the moderate range index unless some of them are eaten in their natural state, except pumpkin which is high. Regular readers of my articles will already know this, of all the vegetables potatoes are the worst on the glycemic index. If you want to lose fat, stop eating potatoes period. Snacking is not sneaking food, it is good to eat. Stop dieting and eat on a diet, start living! fit, nuts and seeds are all great for snacking as far as  glycemic indexing is concerned to lose fat. Nuts contain protein amino acids which your body need to succeed in becoming lean and eaten moderately in their natural state are great between meal snacks because of their kilojule and fat content. Since ALL sugars are carbohydrates, dairy products are listed on GI charts. Remember that you need good fats and protein but consume in moderation.
  • LOW GLYCEMIC FOODS - Apple, Baked Beans, Broccoli, Grapes, Green Beans, ICE CREAM low-fat 2scoops 50g, Long Grain & Wild Rice, Milk full fat 250ml, Peanuts Roasted salted 75g, Pumpernikel bread 2 slices, Ravioli Meat filled Cooked 220g, Special K Cereal 30g, Sponge Cake 1 slice 60g, Sweet Potatoe, Tomatoe Soup canned 220ml, Tortilla

  • MEDIUM GI FOODS - Banana raw 1 Medium 150g, Bran muffin, Brown Rice, Coca Cola 1 Can 375ml (35 cups of water to neutralise the acidic effects on the body,)Cooked Carrots, Couscous, Croissant 1, Crumpet 1 toasted 50g, Macaroni Cheese Packaged Cooked 220g, Pita Bread 1 Piece 65g, Rock Melon Raw 1/2 smal 200g, Shortbread Cookies, Sourdough Rye Bread 1 slice 50g, Sweet Corn 85g
  • HIGH GI FOODS - Bagel 1 White 70g, Chips Fine Cut Small Serving 120g, Cornflakes Cereal 30g, French Baguette 30g, Gatorade 250ml, Jelly Beans 5 10g, Lucozade, Pale Skin Potatoe Baked in oven 1 medium 120g, Pretzels, Watermelon 150g, Water Biscuits, White Rice
10 Rules You Can Live With to help you follow a basic low glycemic diet

  1. Whenever possible eat foods in their natural state
  2. Eat foods that are harder to digest
  3. Eat foods that are high in fibre (this doesn´t have to be wheat)
  4. Do not use artificial sweeteners
  5. Do not eat fried foods
  6. Avoid white foods 
  7. Drink sufficient water
  8. Time your food intake
  9. Do not mix fad diet principles with low glycemic eating
  10. Make the commitment to be healthy
3 Most Important Changes You Will Need To Make.  Stop DIETING! EAT ON A DIET, start living.

  1. Choose the right foods
  2. Take your supplements as directed
  3. Commit to staying active, which will be easier once you start feeling healthier!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Glyconutrients - Glyco is Greek for Sweet

For a number of years now I have been extolling the benefits of  healthstyling your life, eating on a diet and practising what I preach by hammering my system into submission with various endurance adventure style races. One of the best performing supplements I have taken on a regular basis for some time now is Sport & EM*PACT

Unlike popular sugar-laden sports drinks that offer minimal benefits and primarily just trigger a release of insulin, Mannatech´s lemon-lime EM*PACT formulated with their patented Ambrotose complex (and crystalline fructose, helps provide you with biochemicals that increase the bodys oxygen uptake capacity, reduces the blood lactate levels allowing for an increase in workout intensity and duration.


  • Helps with hydration
  • Provides supported increase in stamina and endurance
  • Aids or assists with muscle recovery

  • Temporary relief of arthritic pain
  • Relief of muscular aches and pains
  • Relief from cramps and muscular spasms
  • Aids stamina and endurance
  • Aids or assists with recovery
  • Aids or assists with the general maintenance of general well-being
For more information mail queries to with SPORTS in the subject line.

Argentina Becomes 20th Country to Issue a Patent for Technology Related to Mannatech's Glyconutritional Ambrotose Complex.

"Our stature as a global leader in glyconutrition is strengthened each time we receive a new patent," said Sam Caster, Mannatech's founder, CEO and chairman of the board. "These patents validate our commitment to protecting our investments in intellectual property. We will continue to invest in research and development to ensure our line of products always represents the latest technology and science."

Founded in 1993, Mannatech is a leading wellness company and a pioneer in the field of glyconutritional research and development. The company announced a ground-breaking discovery in 1996 after formulating a nutritional supplement comprised of a unique blend of plant-based sugars, which are also referred to as glyconutrients ('glyco' is the Greek word for 'sweet.')

Medical research has found that eight glyconutrient sugars are needed at the cellular level for proper immune function. Six of these glyconutrients, however, are deficient in our modern diet, so Mannatech scours the world to find new and better sources of the missing nutrients. The effort has culminated in the Ambrotose complex.

Today Mannatech has more than two dozen glyconutritional products for adults and children that address issues such as health and nutrition, sports performance, weight management and skin care.

Sport Berkey Portable Water Purifpolar

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The 3 day diet

Unbelievable! I recommend you donot try this. It pains me to think that there are people out there sitting down to a family dinner consisting of a half a tin of tuna , icecream and canteloups (hand wipes across forehead,) Please just spend a few minutes with the children and learn how the body works, ask them questions like "what is diabetes?" "Can anyone get cialacs disease?" "Is arthritis preventable?" Teach them the value and benfits of learning parana breathing, to help fight stress. The Chinese style of medicine promotes the prevention of disease and treatment of the causes of disease not the symptom. It is time to stop putting a bad-aid on your dietry habits and learn the causes, you donot need to be a brain surgeon, it is very simple stuff. You are too great to be a stupid pigeon
Because of the uncertainty related to any 3 day fad diet, regardless of whether it has a fancy name like the 3 day detox diet does (or the 3 day miracle diet for that matter), it is important to keep close tabs on your progress throughout the 3 day weight loss diet that you choose to pursue.

The 3 Day Diet

Here are your meals for a free 3 day diet that you can follow to lose weight fast.  This free 3 day diet plan is just one example of the many 3 day fad diets currently circulating the internet and while there are some good points to it, there are some cautions as well.

Day 1

  • For breakfast, have black coffee or tea, half a grapefruit and one slice of toast with two tablespoons of peanut butter
  • For lunch, have a half cup of tuna with one slice of toast as well as coffee or tea
  • For dinner, consume seven slices of any meat product, eat one cup of string beans, one cup of beets, one small apple and one cup of vanilla ice cream

Day 2

  • For breakfast, eat one egg, half a banana and one slice of toast with either black coffee or tea
  • For lunch, eat one cup of cottage cheese and three saltine crackers
  • For dinner, eat two hot dogs, one cup of broccoli, half a cup of carrots and one cup of vanilla ice cream

Day 3

  • For breakfast, eat three saltine crackers, one slice of cheddar cheese, one small apple and drink a cup of black coffee or tea
  • For lunch, eat one hard boiled egg along with a slice of toast
  • For dinner, eat one cup of tuna, one beet, one cup of cauliflower, half a cantaloupe and half a cup of vanilla ice cream

This is an example of one of the 3 day diet plans that works on the chemical breakdown principle.  Now, while there are some good aspects to this diet, as previously mentioned the three day diet stated above also has some serious drawbacks and criticisms that can be made of it. The only way to get a true picture of this or any other three day diet plan and ultimately decide whether it is appropriate for your situation is to hear both sides of the coin.  With three day diets in particular this is vitally important.

The Good of a 3 Day Diet

The main good aspect about this 3 day 10 pound diet is the fact that it mixes things up, allowing you to eat a wide range of foods while at the same time allowing you to keep your calorie intake extremely low. The foods used with this diet in particular are reminiscent of many of the 3 day cleanse diet plans that are out on the market in which your goal is to eat a number of good foods in order to cleanse your body of all of the bad junk that you have been eating.  Whether or not these 3 day cleansing diet plans actually work is an open question, but that is the principle that they try to follow.

Another good aspect of this particular 3 day detox diet plan is the fact that it allows you to eat vanilla ice cream at the end of each day.  The vanilla ice cream acts as a reward for your discipline in sticking to the 3 day diet meal plan and therefore more people can finish this diet.  Finally, some people have used 3 day diet plans that were exactly like this one in order to achieve results, which is empirical evidence that at least for some people they seem to work.

The Bad of a 3 Day Diet

The main bad point that would have to be considered in a 3 day diet review of this particular diet is the fact that you are essentially starving yourself for three days in an effort to lose a large amount of weight.  This is in fact the main point of criticism that 3 day diet reviews level on diets like this one and many of those same reviews tend to dismiss 3 day diet results or 3 day diet success stories that come from the diets, citing that something else must have been going on at the same time.

The main reason that people are so critical of the 3 day fad diet is the fact that it seems to be counter to what nutritionists generally believe about the human body.  They tend to believe nowadays that the human body stores food and has a starvation mode that it goes into when it does not get a certain amount of calories a day.  This means that any initial weight loss on the part of a three day diet would only be temporary and those gains would be rolled back when the body went into starvation mode and started to conserve the food that you put into it.  Unfortunately, at the same time this might end up leading to dizziness and general weakness on your part.


This has led some people to suggest a 3 day on, 4 day off diet that could counteract some of those effects, but at the moment the debate is still going on as to the overall effectiveness of these diets. Ultimately, it is a matter of personal choice as to whether you would like to pursue these types of diets.  As always seek medical advise from your doctor before doing any diet plan or exercise plan.

Your Diet Plan for Weight Loss: How to Keep Hunger At Bay

Let’s make sure we get one thing straight from the outset. When you’re dieting, you shouldn’t ever feel hungry. In fact, if you are hungry, you should consider eating more.The Best Plan for Weight LossThe perfect diet plan for weight loss isn’t about starving yourself, or depriving yourself of the essential foods you need to function at your prime.

In fact, it’s not even about counting calories—and if you follow my blog, you know how I feel about calorie counting. Instead, the right way to eat healthy means switching out the foods that are bad for you, and replacing them with foods that are good for you.

But even if you don’t reduce your food intake by that much, you may have an adjustment period as you begin to shed belly fat. It’s really more of a mind over matter thing than real starvation. If you’ve been used to eating large quantities of the wrong kind of food, you might go through a kind of withdrawal period once you begin eating healthfully.

So are there any ways to combat these hunger pains, without giving in to the urge to binge? Absolutely! Let’s look at a few techniques you should incorporate into your diet plan to lose weight:

First and foremost, you should be drinking plenty of water once you start your eating plan. In fact, you should be drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water per day. So, for example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink 80 ounces at a minimum per day.

Not only will water help flush toxins from your body, it can help combat edema and water retention. Need an even more compelling reason to drink water? Your body can often misinterpret thirst for hunger, actually causing your stomach to growl.

So before you reach for something more to eat check to see how much water you’ve had to drink. If you haven’t had enough for the day, drink plenty of H20 before you have anything else to eat.

Yes, you can eat fat while you are on a diet. Does this mean you have my permission to run out and devour a bucket of fried chicken? Wishful thinking, but the answer is no.

You need to eat plenty of healthy fats, which are MUFAs or PUFAs, while you are dieting. These healthy fats will help contribute to a feeling of satiety between meals, as well as give you the essential fatty acids you need to function at your prime. Healthy fats include olive oil, organic butter, coconut oil, raw nuts, nut butters, and avocadoes.

Everyone knows that including high amounts of fiber in your diet helps while you are trying to reduce your weight, but no one really seems to know why it’s important. Well, there are two reasons.

Fiber keeps you from becoming constipated, which can happen when you make a sudden dietary change—even if that change is for the better.Fiber helps you feel full more quickly, and helps you remain that way between meals.

As a rule, you should consider including a serving of fiber with every meal, even snacks. In fact, I usually recommend you include your favorite type of green vegetable with meals, such as a salad or celery sticks.

While exercising doesn’t have much to do with what you put in your mouth, it can have a huge impact on the success of your eating plan and how hungry you feel. I’m not a fan of long hours on the treadmill, as you probably know. In fact, I prefer shorter workouts with more interval training and strength training thrown in because I feel it gives you more bang for your buck.

But no matter how you choose to get and stay active, you should know that it will make your metabolism more efficient, allowing you to continue burning calories several hours after your workout has ended. So while you are working on eating a better diet, find ways to incorporate active movement into your daily routine. You’ll train your body to burn calories more efficiently over time.

The Diet Solution Program was designed with one focus in mind: to help people learn to eat better and thus transform their lives. If you want to learn more about how to lose weight without feeling deprived, consider downloading my program today!

If you are new to The Diet Solution program, watch this video to learn more about a diet plan for weight loss. It’s more than just a fad diet; it’s a lifestyle change that you’ll love!

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Diet Plans to Lose Weight Need Not Be Complicated

Diet Plans to Lose Weight Need Not Be Complicated

With all of the conflicting information about nutrition, it’s no wonder people give up on their diet plans to lose weight after only a few days. Dropping weight can feel like an uphill climb, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Don’t let others make the process more complicated than it actually is.

Don’t get me wrong, losing flab certainly has it challenges (trust me, I’ve been there). I’m simply saying if you’re armed with the right information, slimming down is not as hard as it seems. If you boot all the processed foods out of your diet and replace them with nutrient-dense, natural foods, you’ll lose weight and feel healthier before you know it.

Adding a variety of fresh fruits and veggies to your daily diet can help you get the vitamins and minerals you need to support important functions of the body. For instance, calcium helps support bone health. Vitamin C helps the immune system thrive. B vitamins work to ease stress, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. And vitamin A supports healthy vision and skin.

Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of complex carbohydrates and fiber. Carbs are important because they provide fuel for the body. Fiber regulates the bowels and expands in your stomach to help you stay full longer. The longer you stay full, the less you eat, and the more likely you are to drop body fat.

diet plans to lose weight with free roaming organic eggsI have always been a supporter of free roaming chicken, grass fed meets, and whole organic eggs. It just makes sense.

Poultry and Beans

When you make beans and poultry a part of your regular diet, you are giving your body the protein it needs to maintain good health. Protein is referred to as the building block of the body for a reason. This nutrient is found almost everywhere in the body. Without it, you’ll face problems like fatigue, skin ulcers, sleeping difficulties, weakness and organ damage.

Skimping on the protein can also cause crankiness, depression, anxiety and other mental issues. Also, when you add this compound to your diet, you are less likely to overeat because it makes meals more satiating and helps control your appetite.

Adding lean meats to your diet will ensure you get the iron you need to build hemoglobin and transport oxygen to the cells in your body. When you don’t get enough iron in your diet, your chances of suffering with iron deficient anemia increases. Symptoms of anemia can include fatigue, problems regulating the body temperature, headaches, dizziness and weakness.

The importance of fat in the diet is underrated. When you avoid eating healthy fats, you do your body a huge disservice. Healthy fats build the brain, provide the body with energy, help produce hormones, and provide cushion for your internal organs.

Fats also enable the body use vitamins more efficiently. Make fish and raw nuts staples in your diet so you can get some of the fats you need for good health.

If you rid your diet of processed junk and replace them with the foods listed above, you can shed unwanted pounds without frustration. The weight isn’t going to come off overnight, but it will eventually come off. Oh, and remember. No diet plan is complete or 100 percent successful without exercise.

If you don’t have a plan, trying to lose weight can be frustrating. Let The Diet Solution Program provide you with effective diet plans to lose weight.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Diet Solution Recipes Roundup

diet solution recipesTossed Salad with Our Basic Dressing. Your Organic Greens Will Taste Wonderful, Trust Me.

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know how I love to get my claws (and mouth) on healthy Diet Solution recipes. I get a lot of the cool recipes from generous DSP followers. I also thumb through cookbooks, surf the Internet and do a lot of experimenting in the kitchen. When I get a hold of delicious recipes, I’m always excited to share them with you.

I’ve sent out recipes in my newsletters, published them in my books, and posted them here on this site. If you’re short on time and you don’t want to dig through tons of recipes, today’s your lucky day. Here’s a quick roundup of some favorites.

2 slices of sprouted grain, rice or spelt bread2 eggs1 tablespoon of real buttermaple syrupcinnamon

Mix the eggs in a bowl. Dip the bread in the egg mixture and generously coat both sides. Heat a pan on a low to medium setting and add the butter. After the butter melts, add the coated bread. Cook the bread for 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Top with cinnamon and maple syrup.

1 large chopped onion2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice1/2 cup pitted and copped kalamata olives1 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic (bottled)1/2 cup of julienne-cut, oil-packed, sun-dried tomato halves (drained)1/2 teaspoon sea salt3 tablespoons arrowroot powder1 teaspoon Greek seasoning mix1 trimmed, boneless turkey breast1/2 cup fat-free, low-sodium chicken broth1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Combine turkey, onion, lemon juice, garlic, tomatoes, sea salt, seasoning mix, olives and pepper in a crock pot. Pour in 1/4 cup of chicken broth and let the ingredients cook for 7 hours. Combine the arrowroot and the rest of the chicken broth in a small bowl and whisk until it’s smooth. Add the mixture to the crock pot. Cover the pot and cook on low for 30 more minutes. Slice the turkey breast after it’s cooked.

5 diced tomatoes1 onion, finely chopped1 chopped green pepper1 sliced cucumberhandful of chopped basilhandful of chopped parsley6 chopped garlic cloves (optional)sea saltpepper

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and season with sea salt and pepper.

handful of chopped cilantro leaves3 minced garlic cloves1/4 cup olive oil1/4 teaspoon ground black pepperjuice from a lemon

Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl.

1 teaspoon of smooth or grainy Dijon mustard1/2 cup olive oil1 tablespoon flaxseed oil1 1/4 tablespoon wine vinegar

Add mustard and vinegar in a bowl and whisk. Slowly stream in the olive oil and continue to whisk until the oil is emulsified. Whisk in the flaxseed oil. Serve immediately.

These Diet Solution recipes are absolutely delish and approved for a healthy meal plan. Try them out and let me know what you think!

Don’t wait another day to get a healthy lease on life. Let The Diet Solution Program help you achieve your weight loss goals. Learn a little more about our program and join our community where you’ll find many more Diet Solution recipes from me, our staff, and our members.

Did you like this article? Share it with your friends on Facebook. May 24, 2011 | 3 comments

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Friday, June 24, 2011

How to Lose Belly Fat in 4 Simple Steps

Embarrassment is not the worst part of having a flabby midsection. That spare tire around you tummy can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes (yikes!). Thankfully, you don’t need a complicated diet plan to learn how to lose belly fat. Stomach flab may be stubborn, but it’s no match for proper nutrition, hydration, exercise, and a can-do attitude.
The way you feel about your ability to lose weight will play a major role in your success. If you’re plagued with self-doubt and negativity, you won’t see the point of sticking it out when things get tough. In order to achieve your weight loss goal, you must truly believe you have what it takes.
Losing weight is not just about vanity; it’s also about living healthy and feeling your best everyday. One thing that will help keep you in the right frame of mind is to think of your fat burning journey as a lifestyle change rather than a diet. If you focus on healthy living instead of dieting, you’ll maintain momentum and it will be easier to shut down those negative feelings.
Eating a healthy diet will keep your metabolism operating properly so you burn stomach fat more effectively. If your eating plan lacks essential carbohydrates, protein, healthy fat, vitamins and minerals, it’s not nutritious. To ensure you get adequate amounts of all of these nutrients, incorporate a variety of healthy, whole foods like vegetables, fruits, poultry, lean meats, raw nuts, legumes, beans, seeds and whole eggs into your diet.
As for counting calories to lose weight, I don’t do it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very conscious about what I put into my body. However, I refuse to spend my life keeping tabs on every crumb I swallow. When I get hungry, I’m going to eat—and trust me, I won’t be thinking about calories while I’m doing it.
I’m living proof that if you eat the right foods, and stick to reasonable portion sizes, you can lose belly fat without counting a single calorie.
Water is often overlooked in nutrition plans. But this element is crucial for burning fat and maintaining proper health. Water helps metabolize stored fat and rids the body of excess fat and toxins. Water also prevent bloating and constipation, and helps curb your appetite.
Most people underestimate how much water they need, so they don’t stay properly hydrated. For optimum health, drink half of your body weight in ounces of water daily. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should drink at least 100 ounces of water per day.
When you start your healthy eating plan, you’ll automatically reduce your caloric intake and start to shed some weight. However, unless you add exercise into the mix, your metabolism will eventually slow down and ultimately reduce your ability to burn stomach fat.
There’s no way to target specific areas for fat loss. Crunches, sit-ups and other ab-specific exercises only work to tone the muscles. The only way to get the svelte tummy of your dreams is to burn the fat off. If you don’t, any muscle tone you achieve via abdominal exercises will be buried under the flab.
If you combine 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to intense cardiovascular activity with proper nutrition, the fat around your belly will melt like butter. If you’re out of shape, doing a 30 to 60 minute workout may be too much at first. It’s okay if you start off exercising for 5 or 10 minutes. Simply work your way up as your fitness level improves.
Don’t try to change your lifestyle overnight; Start by making small tweaks. In the beginning, you might try drinking more water, increasing your fresh vegetable intake and exercising three days a week. Once you get used to these adjustments, gradually build on them. Remember, small steps can lead to big results.
Sitting and wishing won’t help you get the trim tummy you’ve always wanted. Let the Diet Solution Program teach you how to lose belly fat and improve your overall health.
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Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Need to Lose Weight by Eating Organic-How Can I Afford it

Question: I need to lose weight by eating organic. How do I accomplish this without ending up in the poor house?

First, let me just reassure you that your ability to lose weight is not dependent on whether you eat organic foods or not. If you follow the right eating plan, you can achieve successful weight loss results without going organic. However, if you want to invest in your long-term health, an organic diet is definitely worth considering.

If you’re a regular reader, you know that I’m a huge advocate of organic foods. I know what kind of garbage farmers and manufacturers use in conventional foods, that’s why I don’t buy them. I’m not going to sit here and pretend that organic foods aren’t pricy, because they are. However, there are ways to add organic foods to your diet without going broke.

Processed junk like cereal bars, granola bars, protein shakes and low-fat cookies can put the squeeze on your wallet. Once you rid your grocery list of junk, you’ll be surprised how much moola it will free up. Put the leftover money to good use and buy a few organic food items.

How many of us eat way more than we should? Think about it. The more food you eat, the more you’ll have to buy, and the costlier your organic diet will be. If you learn to manage your portion sizes and stop eating once you’re full, you’ll not only lose weight, you’ll save money too.

I’m a pretty thrifty gal. If I get wind of a good sale, I’m there. When you find great sales on organic meat or poultry, rack up. You can pop the extras in the freezer and use them later on down the line. If you can never seem to catch natural poultry or meat on sale, buy whatever gets you the most mileage out of your dollar.

Pick and choose the kind of produce you buy organic. Produce with thick skins such as bananas, broccoli, cauliflower, lemons, asparagus and melons tend to resist pesticide penetration. So if push comes to shove, you can buy the conventional versions of these foods.

Thin-skinned and leafy produce like spinach, apples, nectarines, bell peppers, strawberries, lettuce and grapes absorb pesticides like sponges; so buy these types of fruits and veggies organic whenever possible.

Have you seen the price of tomatoes lately? Whoa. You know organic tomatoes are super easy to grow and you don’t even need a yard to do it. You can get a decent size pot and grow enough tomatoes to last all summer long.

Tomatoes aren’t the only things you can put in your garden. Radishes, cucumbers, spinach, onions and herbs practically grow themselves. If you’re serious about going organic without going broke, don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty.

If you want fresh, affordable produce, visit your local farmers’ market. The local farmers who sell at these markets usually limit or eliminate the use of pesticides on their fruits and vegetables. The produce goes straight from the farm to the market, so there are no added expenses for shipping or packaging.

There’s no need to dive into an organic lifestyle head first. It took me three years to completely transition. I started slow and inched my way up until I got where I wanted to be. You can do the same thing. Simply start by replacing a few of the foods you consume regularly and then take it from there.

Don’t spend another day confused about nutrition. Let The Diet Solution Program show you what it means to eat healthy, lose weight and feel great about yourself.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I’m Really Overweight-Help Me Lose Weight

I remember being overweight, and desperate to find a solution to help me lose weight. After a few failed attempts, I finally dropped the weight and I’ve managed to keep it off for years. So how did I do it? Since that darned magic pill didn’t work, I had to lose the weight the old fashioned way. I committed myself to the cause, ate healthy and got off my hump and exercised. If I can do it, so can you.
We live in a nation of processed foods. The result of this is a skyrocketing population of fluffy adults and children. When you’re overweight, you are at risk for diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and other illnesses that can reduce your quality of life and send you to an early grave.
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it ten thousand times: processed foods are no good. Do yourself a favor and boot these items out of your diet. Replace them with healthier, natural foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh fish, lean meats, poultry, beans, legumes, seeds and raw nuts.
Don’t delude yourself into thinking you can change your poor eating habits overnight. Keep in mind, bad eating habits are easy to develop, but they’re not as easy to change. It helps if you start small by making gradual tweaks to your diet.
For instance, you might make it a point to trade in your morning doughnut for a bowl of oatmeal, a piece of nitrate/nitrite free bacon and some fresh fruit. If you eat out everyday, scale back, and commit to preparing healthy, low-cal meals at home at least twice a week.
On the days you eat out, replace a few unhealthy foods with healthier menu choices. For instance, instead of ordering a bag of chips or a side of fries with you sandwich, opt for a small salad. Continue to make small dietary changes every couple of weeks until your poor eating habits are a thing of the past.
When you’re trying to whittle your waistline, it’s all about the burn, baby. Once you remove all of the processed junk from your diet, you’ll automatically reduce your caloric intake and lose weight. However, if you don’t do something to set that metabolism on fire, it will slow down and you won’t see any additional eatonadiet results.
You don’t have to take the “whole hog” approach to exercising to see results. The most important thing is that you do something to get your body moving. Jump up and down for 10 minutes or take a stroll around the block – if it’s more physical activity than you normally get, you’re good.
Of course, as your fitness level improves, you’ll have to add to your exercise routine to keep those weight loss results coming.
When we talk about losing weight, we always tackle the nutrition and exercise side of things. Let’s talk for a bit about the commitment dropping weight requires. Losing weight and keeping it off is hard work; it requires some serious lifestyle changes.
There are going to be times when you feel discouraged and disappointed, and days when you experience setbacks. If you’re committed – and I mean really committed, you’ll be able to pull yourself up, dust the cake crumbs off, and press on. If you’re not ready to dig your heels in and put in the work, you’ll be disheartened by the results.
Losing weight with proper nutrition and exercise can make you feel healthier and produce lasting results. Watch this video to learn how The Diet Solution Program can help you lose the fat and keep it off for good. If this program could help me lose weight, you can do it, too!
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Need Calcium? A Dairy-Free Diet Can Deliver

Diet Solution Program > Articles > Health Concerns > Need Calcium? A Dairy-Free Diet Can Deliver

Kale is High in CalciumDid You Know that Kale Has More Calcium than Pasteurized Milk? And Kale with Cranberries and Pine Nuts is Yummy!

I was sitting here the other day thinking about that old ‘80s dairy commercial. You know the one with the tagline that says, “Milk Does a Body Good.” The slogan is catchy and unforgettable, but the claims are a bit twisted. Believe it or not, a dairy-free diet will do your body much better than one that contains milk.

From growth hormones, to antibiotics, to pasteurization, to homogenization – there are so many things wrong with the milk nowadays. I could go on for hours about the damage drinking milk can do to your health. This is why I advise people to stay away from the stuff.

I know exactly what you’re thinking. “If I follow a dairy-free diet, how will I get enough calcium to keep my bones from crumbling out from under me?”

The answer is quite simple. Load your plate with veggies, and make your mamma proud by actually eating them. People think I’m nuts when I tell them veggies are a much better source of calcium than dairy. After all, the “big-wigs” who can afford multimillion dollar dairy campaigns say otherwise – and who am I to challenge them?

It’s like this: I’ve always given it to you straight, and I’m not about to hold back now. Contrary to what you were taught, milk does not hold the monopoly on calcium. I repeat. Milk does NOT hold the monopoly on calcium. In fact, milk is not even an adequate source of calcium.

By the time manufacturers finish pasteurizing, homogenizing, enriching, fluffing, stuffing and whatever else they do to prepare milk for the marketplace, a lot of the calcium is unusable by the body. This could be one of the reasons why osteoporosis is on the rise. I won’t even get started on the other ailments drinking milk can cause.

Veggies that contain calcium are abundant – so there are bound to be some you can’t get enough of. All green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium. Some other veggies that contain this nutrient include cauliflower, green beans, onions, okra, chickpeas, black beans and avocados. This is just a short list. There are plenty of other calcium-rich vegetables out there.

Here’s a plus. Veggies are naturally low in calories. If you really want to see that fat fade into oblivion, replace the dairy in your diet with some of the veggies listed above. FYI, Acid-forming foods like soda, sugar, coffee and artificial sweeteners rob your body of calcium. Avoiding these foods will make more calcium available for your bones.

I don’t advocate drinking milk. However, if you have to have it, stick with “certified” organic. The standards for producing organic milk are more stringent than the rules for producing conventional milk. Organic farmers are required by law to raise their dairy cows using all natural methods. This makes organic milk a little better to drink (I didn’t say it was healthy).

The problem with organic milk is that it is processed the same way as conventional milk. This means, your body still won’t be able to digest a large portion of the calcium. However, when you opt for organic milk instead of regular milk, your liver won’t have to filter out the antibiotics and growth hormones used to raise conventional dairy cows.

Don’t spend another day in the dark about nutrition and watch this video to see why you can live a happy and healthy life with a dairy free diet. Let The Diet Solution Program arm you with the information you need for good health.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Squeezing Healthy Meal Plans into a Hectic Life

Just like a lot of you guys, I’m super busy. There are things I just don’t have time to do. However, no matter how hectic my life gets, I always make time for healthy meal plans. Is it easy? Not always. But good health is something I value; so the extra time I put into planning and preparing wholesome meals is well worth it. No matter how rushed life gets, you too can find time for good nutrition.

Instead of playing mealtimes by ear, plan your menu a week in advance. Weekly menu planning only takes a few minutes, but it can make working healthy meals into your life a lot easier. You can create a simple menu template on your computer or you can take a blank sheet of paper, divide it into sections and write down your meals and snacks for the week.

Some of you might find it more convenient to use a dry erase board for menu planning. There’s no right or wrong way to create a menu. It’s all about what works best for you. The only stipulation is that the meals you plan must be nutritious (no processed foods allowed). Once you finish making your menu, stick it on the refrigerator or somewhere else that’s visible.

Healthy Meal PlansPreparing for Healthy Meal Plans. Plan a Menu, and Impulse Buys Will Be Thwarted.

You’re more likely to stick with a nutritious meal plan if you don’t have to make a mad dash to the grocery store everyday. Use your preplanned menu to make a list of all the foods you need to prepare your meals. Designate one day a week for grocery shopping so you can get it over with.

Take your list with you to the store so you won’t forget anything. No more running back and forth to the market because you forgot important ingredients. Using a list also helps you stay on track and reduces the temptation to fill your buggy with cookies, chips and other junk.

Prepare more food than you need for one meal so you can have leftovers for the next day. For instance, instead of preparing half of a chicken for dinner, go ahead and pop the whole thing into the oven. When you get ready to eat the leftovers, simply heat them up. Cooking enough for more than one meal reduces your time in the kitchen and makes mealtimes less taxing (take it from the queen of leftovers).

Gourmet meals are nice (and yummy), but they’re overrated. Unless you’re throwing a fancy dinner party, the meals you prepare don’t have to bear any resemblance to a gourmet meal. If you enjoy cooking this way, it’s perfectly fine. But if you’re short on time, quick dishes like salads topped with boiled eggs or salmon work for any meal.

When you live life at record speed, sticking to a nutritious meal plan can be tough. However, if you want to lose weight and improve your health, squeezing time out of your busy day to plan and prepare wholesome meals is important. Give the tips above a try – they just might work for you.

Want a jump start on healthy meal plans? The Diet Solution Program can help. Don’t spend another day with a diet that takes up all of your time!

View the original article here

Warm Quinoa Salad

Courtesy of
* 1 cup of quinoa, rinsed
* 2 cups of water or stock
* 1 medium onion, chopped
* 3 cloves garlic, chopped
* 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
* 1/4 cup chopped fresh coriander (cilantro)
* 1 tomato, seeds and excess pulp removed, chopped
* 1 can adzuki beans, rinsed well
* 4 TBS lemon juice
* 3 TBS olive oil
* 3 cups shredded romaine lettuce
* 1 avocado, cubed
* 1 TBS chopped pumpkin seeds
* Unrefined sea salt and pepper, to taste
Combine rinsed quinoa, water, onion, garlic, and a little salt in medium saucepan and turn heat to high. Bring to a boil, cover, lower the heat to low, and simmer gently for about 15 minutes. Fluff with fork and transfer to a bowl. Add chopped herbs, tomato, rinsed adzuki beans, 2 TBS lemon juice, 1 TBS olive oil, salt and pepper.
Toss romaine and avocado in rest of lemon juice and 2 TBS olive oil. Season with salt and cracked black pepper. Serve quinoa on bed of salad greens. Sprinkle with chopped pumpkin seeds.
Did you like this article? Share it with your friends on Facebook. January 28, 2011 | 17 comments
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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Healthy Eating Plan vs. Dieting-Which One Do You Like?

Are you dieting or eating healthy?Diets are Boring–Healthy Eating Plans Aren’t

When it comes to losing weight and keeping it off, a healthy eating plan trumps dieting every time. Why? Because nutritious eating is a lifestyle change whereas dieting is short-lived. If you’re torn between going on a diet and following a healthy eating plan, here are some reasons to choose the latter.

Losing weight is not just about looking good in a pair of jeans; it’s also about improving your overall health. Diets that suggest you drink only liquids or eliminate carbohydrates or fats are hogwash. Our bodies are fueled by the nutrients in the foods we eat. Any diet that requires you to eliminate some of the most important foods will ruin your health.

Poor nutritional health contributes to diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer and other life altering health conditions. Most of the foods marketed by manufacturers as “healthy” aren’t healthy at all. Nope. Not even a little bit.

If you don’t know what to look for, it’s easy to believe that frozen dinners, nutritional shakes, snack bars and other processed foods are alright to eat. When you opt for a healthy eating plan instead of a “diet,” you learn to make every calorie count by choosing foods that give you the best nutritional bang for your efforts.

Measuring food, counting calories and reading labels are time-sucks you can do without. Healthy foods are low in calories so there’s no reason to measure (although you still need to eat sensibly), use charts or count calories. Seriously, who has time to do this stuff? I certainly don’t, and I’m guessing you don’t either.

This diet tells you to sip shakes all day. That diet tells you to do away with all fats. Another diet advises you to kick carbs to the curb. And finally, you’re roped into believing that eating frozen diet meals for the rest of your life is A-O-kay. Confusing, right? Unlike a traditional diet, there is nothing restrictive or perplexing about a healthy eating plan.

When you learn which foods are actually good for you, you can use them to create healthier versions of the foods you love. Take for instance the blueberry pancake recipe I sent out in one of my newsletters. Instead of using white flour or pancake mix, the recipe creator used rolled oats and a few other healthy ingredients.

Once you learn how make nutritious meals with the foods that make you weak in the knees, you will never feel restricted in what you can eat.

Most diets are considered “fad diets” for a reason. They don’t stick around because they are just not realistic for long-term use. I mean c’mon. How long do you think you’ll be able to adhere to a juice only diet? Even if you do manage to shed a few pounds, more often than not, you’ll gain the weight back.

We won’t even discuss the nutritional deficiencies you may face when you follow diets that prohibit (or severely limit) carbohydrates, fats, and other essential foods. Your health is your most precious asset. Protect it at all costs. Following a healthy eating plan is the best way to enjoy permanent weight loss results without sacrificing your health.

Let the Diet Solution Program teach you how to drown out the fad diet noise so you can feel confident in your ability to lose weight for good. A healthy eating plan doesn’t consist of a diet that tells you not to eat fruits and vegetables, find out why!

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