Friday, June 17, 2011

Weight loss before and after the "W" free diet

The weight loss before and after the "W" free diet is continuing despite the gorging of a celebratory bacon and egg sandwich yesterday. Funnily enough the 2 large rubbish sacks of wheat based (or should I say laced,) products have not been dragged out, although perhaps it is because until just now I hadn´t thought of them... hmm cookies! Anyway the cookie monster has mostly been exorcised and both of us are feeling confident about continuing with less "white" in our diet.

The processed "white sugar" intake has been replaced and reduced with blonde sugar, the "white rice" is going to be saved for sushi restaurant occassions and the pastas pizzas and pies are going to be scrutinised closely before deciding whether to have it for dinner. I think the key to continuing well within the realms of this healthstyle change is to avoid going to these white & wheaty based staples as a first resort just because we are trained to think that they are easier and quicker, you may need to be a little better organised but the taste sensations are worth it, that reminds me I have to go soak some quinoa for the patties tonight which were a highlight of flavour during the two weeks! ...

Ok back now,  before I go, just a quick plug for my friends new restaurant in Greenwich village where they do Asian style homeground beef burgers served in a bento box! Text Bentoburger to 41242 and your handle if you live nearby 101E 2nd street and they´ll send you special list deals on their burgers and drinks! or scan their code here and see the food and drinks menus

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